Den 2018-01-26 kl. 23:21, skrev Israel:
Hi all,
I recently have been putting some work into OBI, as you all know.
There have been a few issues related to how I built the base tarball
that should be completely resolved.
One thing I have recently decided to try is to test out the old '9W' ;)
startup screen
a.k.a text-mode-menu
Basically it shows a menu allowing old computers to use the dialog
interface for OBI without needing the entire ToriOS environment to
load. Of course ToriOS can still be run from that menu by choosing the
graphical interface option.
This is a pretty big change (visually) so I am going to put it in the
next ISO to get everyone's feedback.
The majority of my current work in OBI has been adding tabs to the code,
as well as comments. I did, however, change a major thing to install
grub, rather than the old manual configuration method using sed. We
already install grub but I just moved it before other things that went
in front of it previously.
I hope to have this out soon, however Launchpad is slow to build things.
It is likely bionic is taking a lot of resources right now, as well as
all the kernel mess (Meltdown/Spectre).
So, specifically Nio (9w) what do you think about my use of the
text-mode-menu again (it has been many years since we've used it).
Hi Israel,
Sure we can use the text-mode-menu again. It might be particularly
useful for
1. Very old computers and computer with very small RAM
2. Computers with a graphics chip/card, that does not work out of the
box with the built-in linux drivers.
Please let us know, when there is something to test!
Best regards