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Re: some thoughts about the DE


Actually... the ISO could pull in the other DE when it is installing, and purge out the other DE. I think OpenBox is a good base for this project, but offering the ability to choose the installed OS could be really nice for the user, if they have such low specs. So, keep the live CD as Openbox, and allow the user to choose what will be installed... this may be too complicated to try, though...

This is a very simple infobox... just put this in your terminal (assuming you have gdialog installed... it comes with zenity in Ubuntu)
 gdialog --title "ToriOS" --infobox "Tori OS rocks!" 10 30

man gdialog can show you the full capabilites, if you want I can e-mail you one of the puppy scripts (note it uses a Xdialog, and Puppy runs as root)

I think this would be awesome to have for PPC as well as i386 computers, as there are no easy/good solutions for old iBooks. I can barely run JWM/ROX on it, though it performs much better than MacOSX did, and has modern programs (esp. web browser).

On 01/15/2014 08:11 AM, William wrote:
The only problem with having a dialog for different DE options, is that have the installers for the DEs would increase the size of the ISO which we are also trying to keep down. Part of ToriOS is a merger with another project, I believe Melody is already pretty far into an OpenBox implementation. I like the idea of having front end GUI's for scripts. That is definitely something to look into further. Can you whip up an example or point me in the direction of one?

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 8:04 AM, Israel <israeldahl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I originally sent this e-mail to Ali, so I am sending it out to everyone on the list now..

Have you decided on DE, yet?
I'd like to make the suggestion to use slim as the display manager, and jwm + menu + menu-xdg as it runs on a 900mhz 128 MB system. And installing localepurge (this trims out all the non important language things) ROX can handle the desktop and usbmount can automatically mount media when it is installed. Though I haven't gotten everything sorted out yet on my old machine (update ROX desktop when things are plugged in, JWM look-and-feel configuration), but it works on both Debian and Ubuntu. I think basing it off of Debian will make it smaller, but you don't get all the goodness of Ubuntu with it :( I have been tweaking JWM trying to get it up to my usability and ease of use standards, and so far I can do most anything on that old computer!
So, you might provide different DE installs in a dialog, for instance

What kind of Computer:
1. Very old, very slow computer
2. Old slow computer
3. Old computer
4. Newer computer
5. Fast
6. Not sure
7. Geek Mode

You could have Not Sure run a script to check the processor speed and Memory to automatically pick one based on ranges.
Geek Mode could be something like
1. JWM + Rox
2. Minimal LXDE
3. Full LXDE
4. Xfce
5. KDE
6. Show the Computer Specs
7. Normal Mode

Just a thought I had while tweaking some stuff, so I figured I'd pass it along to you in case you were interested

I'll add one more thing here....
I have been browsing through the Puppy Linux scripts that handle a lot of the automatic stuff, and have noticed that it uses Xdialog (which isn't available in Trusty.. not sure about 12.04) to make GUI elements for scripts, so I was thinking that some of the lightweight configuration could be handled by gdialog/BASH to make it pretty and light, as bash is already included, and scripts are not very big (usually) and are easy to change (no recompile). I am still looking for a good way to tweak ROX to its fullest potential... though openbox can work as well (AFAIK) with JWM tray (the panel)

