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Ready to set up @torios.org email addresses


I am ready to start setting up @torios.org email addresses For security reasons, I need everyone to individually email me at william@xxxxxxxxxx with what they want for their address. I will email you back with a temporary password. After I email you back with the temporary password, please log into webmail.torios.org and change it to something unique.

The server settings are:
POP3 Host Address : mail.torios.org
SMTP Host Address: mail.torios.org

If your mail client uses IMAP only, the server address is:

You must use your full email address as your username.

You can also access your email through a browser at webmail.torios.org
If you have any trouble setting up your email, email me at william@xxxxxxxxxx with a description of the problem and the client you are using.

Please allow me some time to processes these. I will be in and out of the house all day but should have them complete by this evening (US Central) at the latest.
