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The Last Week in Trusty Tahr Cycle


Dear all,

I know the ice mountain here became really big but I'm asking you all to never lose faith nor hope. It is the last week in Trusty Tahr Cycle and needless to remind you that I'm the team leader of 4 different sub-teams within Ubuntu GNOME (a side from the fact that I'm the founder of many other projects) and Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 is our very first LTS release so it is indeed a high priority for me personally as I was the one behind our mission to gain the LTS Status so I can't take any chance of failure at this critical point.

Once we'll release 14.04, I will have a meeting with all of you to do a new assessment to everything and consider each and every option.

May I remind you that we're all volunteers and the universe wasn't build in one day? I'm sure you all know that :)

What I'm asking is simply to be ready, once 14.04 is released, there must be some actions here.

No. The answer to whether I'll shut down ToriOS Project is BIG NO ;)

Thank you!
