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ToriOS update


Hi everyone!
It has been a bit since I updated everyone,
The most exciting things that have been fixed/updated in

support for X11 color names using xlib (i.e. 'black' is conveted to
this makes it possible to use most any jwmrc file that exists!

The font selector is now a list of installed fonts (using fontconfig)

The menu is better, it can now handle absolute paths and icon names with
an extention (thanks smile for the help!!)

There are a few more major things I'd like to get done soon, but the
most pressing to me is multi-panel support.
I also need to refine the menu generation script more to convert & into
&amp and I need to find a way to check the menu files against the
desktop files and include programs that only have a menu file into the
menu.  I think I will also 'hide' categories that don't have anything

The ISO is somewhat stalled right now as we decide some things.  Also,
Jörn was wondering if we should simply use 14.04 instead of 12.04...
since he couldn't post to the list here is his comment:

/Hello Ali and everyone else, I just tried to send a mail to the mailing
list, but sometimes it's not working for me - just like now. So I need
to use this channel :D//
//It's about the fact that you want to use 12.04 as a base. My question
in short: who is going to maintain all the packages? Nearly everything
used in ToriOS is unsupported in 12.04.//
//* JWM is unsupported, but Israel cares about that//
//* Rox is unsupported and needs a maintainer//
//* Wicd is unsupported, needs a maintainer and maybe a programmer...

/JWM is under a lot of development, but lacks a Debian upstream that
updates it.
Rox is unsupported and the project is not extremely active, and Ubuntu
has an old version.
WICD is basically not being maintained or programmed anymore at all...
but AFAIK it is written in Python, so maybe Paul you could at least look
at it?
