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txAWS 0.2.3 is released


Hey folks,

The latest txAWS is released, and includes fixes for bugs pasted below.

It's available for download both on PyPI and on Launchpad.



#461960 ec2_error_wrapper doesn't manage ConnectionRefusedError
#666487 ec2 client doesn't really support POST
#921309 Review the AWS S3 feature set and create bugs for anything missing in
#925050 EC2 and S3: Update Region and Endpoint strings
#412701 Add support for AWS errors
#413738 Inconsistent Coding Standard Employed
#415486 Missing reservation representation
#416109 Support arbitrary endpoints
#419246 Support DescribeVolumes EC2 function
#424015 Support DescribeSecurityGroups function
#424018 Add support for keypairs to EC2 client
#430282 SecurityGroup model is incorrect for security group creation
#431295 txAWS improperly imports private function from twisted.web
#432540 Add missing security group methods
#434768 Volumes returned txaws methods should have an availability zone
#438784 Add support for Elastic IP operations
#444124 Add support for listing availability zones
#540968 describe_security_groups only returns one allowed group per user
#580544 Support SignatureVersion 1
#633580 Can't use Expires parameter
#641620 s3 client does not provide ACLs api
#711978 Add a default timeout to EC2 queries
#738131 Add support for ImportKeyPair
#768071 The parser should be extracted from EC2Client
#781949 Must check certificates for validity
#888445 txAWS fails to handle exceptions with unicode data
#919433 s3 client is missing put object ACL
#919538 s3 ACL Grantee class is missing support for by-email and by-uri
#920302 Some unit tests failing for Python2.5
#920309 test_ssl_hostname_verification unit test error
#920915 Support unicode parameters to the EC2 client
#921347 S3: Add GET Bucket lifecycle method
#945176 Support privateIpAddress and ipAddress
#413741 PEP-8 Cleanup Needed
#415491 Missing instance attributes
#856067 s3/client.py should not depend on epsilon library
#912589 pytz should be dropped for dateutil as soon as epsilon is dropped for
#912607 zope.datetime should be dropped in favor of dateutil
#919551 dateutil requirement needs version spec
#919861 incorrectly configured directives in MANIFEST.in
#920227 codebase currently has PEP8 and Pyflake errors
#921352 S3: Add GET Bucket versioning method
#371967 aws-status stops polling if network times out
#589926 It would be nice if txAWS provided a tool to help learn how the EC2 API
#629440 txaws-discover should print the URL used when the request is made
#836833 txAWS should have an explicit dependency on twisted
#919862 It would be nice to have a Makefile for common dev operations
#782546 Add support for web resources using the Query API authorization model
#829225 Add support for Method classes handling QueryAPI requests
#851908 It should be possible to extend Schema with new items in subclasses
#862595 terminate_instances raises NoneType not iterable on machine shutdown
#921350 S3: Add GET Bucket notification method
#921354 S3: Add GET Bucket website method
#965112 Integer Schema parameter should support min and max

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