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Re: Introduction


On 29/09/12 02:45, Jason Rogers wrote:
Hi, everyone,

I'm just writing to introduce myself, having recently applied to join
the U+1 Team. I've been using Linux in some shape or form for
years now -- off-and-on since the late 1990's and consistently (as my
primary OS) since about 2005-2006. Ubuntu was in large part responsible
for my shift to consistently using Linux, so I am excited to pay it
back in some small way by helping with testing. I've been using 12.10
since Beta 1, and have even contributed a few bug reports on Launchpad
(my ID is jrog). Aside from testing, I also like to help users solve
problems with their systems, so I try to be active and helpful on the
forums and on IRC (my ID is also jrog in both places, though in prior
years of intermittent use I have also been 'RedSocrates' and/or

Though I don't presently work in IT, I am interested in getting
re-involved in the field, and I do have prior experience with web design
(HTML/CSS/JavaScript, primarily) as well as some minimal
experience coding (C/C++ and Python) and administering servers. I've
kept up-to-date on these things as much as possible despite not working
professionally with them right now, and would be happy to use them to
help out in whatever way I can.

Looking forward to having some fun with testing!


Jason Rogers

Welcome Jason
