ubiquity-slideshow team mailing list archive
ubiquity-slideshow team
Mailing list archive
Message #00000
Horrifying but necessary stuff with revision 22 of ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu
I realized the different slides have lots of junk data floating around.
(My fault). I opened up the template, and did the following changes:
* Eradicated the drop shadow filter effect.
* Deleted SVG icon on top right. I replaced it with a 64x64 PNG
graphic stored in the "icons" directory.
* Tidied!
This shrunk the thing's size down immensely and made the file much
easier to read as text. I am sure diff will appreciate it, too.
I then ran through every single slide and basically cherry picked their
contents into new slides derived directly from slide-template.svg. I
sneaked in some modest changes to writing, but other than that they look
identical. They are just much, much, much nicer beneath their juicy
I also took the opportunity to update the Readme!
Err, please, if it isn't too much trouble, make sure you are updated to
revision 22 (and beware the almost inevitable demolition of any
modifications I did not merge in a few hours ago).
I have enraged the version control gods once again...
Here's the stuff:
PS: Oh, we have a mailing list now by the way :P
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