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Re: Fwd: rejecting ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu


Okay! I have vowed never to say the word "scheme" again and I am now
completely terrified of LISP, but it works!


Here a nifty tool that builds pngs with nice reflections from svg
sources. It depends on gimp, running it in batch mode with no interface,
fonts or brushes. It currently does not do shadows, although that could
be kind of cool. If we can stick to the same icon set, though, that
problem could solve itself. Here I am using mainly Breathe** and Human

Most of the machinery is handled by gimp via reflection-script.scm:
      * Iterates through all svg files in current directory and loads
        them. They are immediately scaled to 185x185 pixels.
      * The Autocrop plugin is then applied to trim the images down
        neatly. The end result of this is that icons end up with
        different resolutions; not as predictable as before. Changing
        the canvas size at the end could resolve that, I guess.
      * Another script I downloaded is then called to create a
        reflection effect. I tweaked this slightly to blur the
      * Via an incredible mess of brackets and incomprehensible
        language, the .svg at the end of the file's name is removed so a
        new png image is created in the parent directory with .png
        cleanly placed at the end.
      * Done!

Basically, just put all the SVG files you want in the ./icons/source
directory, then run generate-pngs.sh to make it happen. It should Just

It's hard to beat the human touch that allows for the nice little drop
shadows and well aligned reflections, but it took ages* so I'm putting
it out there anyway :)
For the most part, it's pretty similar. Let me know what you think!


*This being my first run-in with such a syntax and all. It felt like one
of those obvious moments in a suspense story; I always heard little
allusions to LISP and its horrors, and I always thought I was so safe...
I'm actually quite shaken by this whole encounter and I expect never to
live normally again. In fact, the bracket you see above is probably the
last bracket I will be able to write in a long while.

**The reason I'm not just using the icons that are shipped by default is
that, in my view, those icons don't look very interesting at larger
sizes. It's important to have them practically very similar to what is
elsewhere on the default desktop, but I think it's worthwhile to choose
the most stylish options within reason.

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