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Re: "Old style" flyer design for Chemnitzer Linuxtage


This is a great work !

I've noticed there is on the back side, first line a double ',' before internetionnal, is it on prupose ? (i don't know german ^^).

I've checked the QRCode, it works ! (I mention this, because we once printed a fail qrcode on our ubuntu-party in Paris)


Le 27/02/2016 18:29, sturmflut a écrit :
Dear list members,

I took the german Ubucon DE 2015 flyer and adapted it for Ubucon EU 2016
since svij needs it for Chemnitzer Linuxtage in three weeks:



The only thing I changed besides the event name is the slogan. Since
Ubuntu is all about IoT ("Internet of Things") these times, I thought
about changing the meaning of IoT to "International, Offline, Together"
to fit the event.

What do you think?


Actualité ubuntu francophone :

 * http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuFr

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