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Message #00045
Re: [Idea-ubucon-eu] Update on Call for Contribution and Sponsors
Hallo Michael,
ich bin mal so frei und antworte auf Deutsch...
Dein Workshop hört sich äußerst spannend an. Ich werde ihn mal an
unserem Board posten und melde mich dann wieder, wenn wir eine
Entscheidung getroffen haben.
Vielen Dank schon Mal im Vorraus.
Am Mittwoch, den 15.06.2016, 20:06 +0200 schrieb Michael Schloh von
> Hello Ubucon jury,
> Not sure if this should be in German or some other language, hmm.
> Feel free to reply in French, German, English, or Spanish.
> I'd like to offer a workshop for your consideration.
> Title of workshop: Building an IoT Empire
> Name of the speaker: Michael Schloh von Bennewitz
> Company or project: Europalab Networks
> Type: Hands on workshop, including loaned hardware
> Duration: Minimum 2, maximum 4 hours
> Target audience: Intermediate
> Attach a profile photo: Appended as MIME attachment
> In this 2-4 hour workshop, we learn the ropes of embedded computing
> and IoT telemetry (and telecommand) by building a network all by
> ourselves. Using low energy peripherals of a variety of device
> classes (computers, sensors, and actuators) we perform the hands on
> steps that conclude in a H2M (laptops and smartphones connecting to
> Ubuntu matchboxes) and M2M (matchboxes exchanging IoT messaging with
> MCUs and brokers) Internet of Things for beginners and experts alike.
> We'll see how Ubuntu Snappy can run on low power architectures and
> install IoT relevant snaps along with using Snapcraft to create a fun
> Piglow package to indicate message types. Moving on to operations,
> we'll install the Docker snap and configure a MQTT or AMQP client.
> After switching gears and developing even lower powered applications
> for milliwatt rated MCUs, we'll see how Ubuntu can interoperate with
> IP connected devices like FRDM-K64F boards.
> A number of optional components involving security, signal analysis,
> or ZigBee (802.15.4) Light Link are possible should time allow.
> To fully benefit from this workshop, a portable computer is required.
> A telephone or portable device with a stable Bluetooth 4.0 stack is
> optional for self paced physical web exploration.
> Michael Schloh von Bennewitz is a computer scientist specializing in
> network engineering, embedded design, and mobile platform
> development. Responsible for research, development, and maintenance
> of packages in several community software repositories, he actively
> contributes to the Opensource development community.
> Michael speaks four languages fluently and presents at technical
> events every year. He has presented for groups including Cable &
> Wireless, Nokia, Mozilla, Ubucon, ARIN, Droidcon, AstriCon, Minix,
> the Mobile World Congress, and Dockercon. His speaking style is
> humorous, using gestures and good eye contact, and he writes public
> online slide decks in HTML5.
> Michael's IoT knowlege profits from years of work at telecoms and
> relationships with industry leaders. He is a Intel innovator, Samsung
> partner, and Mozilla committer with the mandate to promote IoT
> technology.
> Additional information is found at http://michael.schloh.com/
> We run a self hosted network, but would profit quite a bit from a
> supplied IPv4 upstream route via copper Ethernet cable. 220V power is
> required for some equipment as well as a lighted workspace with
> tables and chairs.
> This workshop directly covers the workshop wishlist items:
> Snappy Ubuntu
> Snapcraft Packaging
> ...and indirectly (relating to IoT) also:
> Designing for Convergence
> I charge 720 EUR per student for half day workshops of this kind, but
> would waive all charges in order to support the Ubuntu community.
> Thousands of Euros worth of equipment will be in deployment, so we
> need an arrangement that protects this value.
> Last week at the Goulasch Programmier Nacht (GPN16) hosted by the
> CCC.
> Other appearances see: https://edu-europalab.rhcloud.com/doku.php/ven
> ue/
> Title: Workshop Wiki
> URL: https://edu-europalab.rhcloud.com/
> Prospekt: Past workshop flyer
> URL: https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/12geeks/photos/35_lar.jp
> g
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