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Blocker bugs for beta software store experience


Hello everybody,

it's great to see the first apps coming into the software store and
being able to install them on the device. This is a major achievement
for everybody involved in this project.

With our first users we obviously encounter bugs for all kinds of weird
or edge cases. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=appstore
has a collection of bugs across all our projects. Quite a few of them
have no importance assigned to them yet.

Can we go through them and revisit the importance of each of the bugs
please? It'd be great if we could see at a glance what's currently
constituting a blocker, so we can try to focus on it and get it out of
the way as soon as possible. Especially if it actively stops app authors
from (or makes it too hard for) app authors to publish their apps in the
hand of Touch users.

In 2.5 weeks the current App Showdown will finish, so we will expect
quite a few submissions at that time and it'd be good if we could make
the experience as smooth as we can.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Have a great day,

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