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Upper-case application names


There's been some confusion about upper-case application names which I
wanted to clear up.

Terminology, just in case anyone's forgotten it:

  The package name is the reverse-Internet-domain bit, exposed as the
  first underscore-separated element in the .desktop file name.

  The application name is the entry under "hooks" in the manifest,
  exposed as the second underscore-separated element in the .desktop
  file name.

  So, in this .desktop file name:


  ... the package name is
  "com.ubuntu.developer.brianrobles204.karma-machine" and the
  application name is "KarmaMachine".  The package name is specified to
  forbid upper-case letters, but the application name is specified to
  permit upper-case letters.

I've just tested the above package, whose application name contains
upper-case letters.

There was a problem with non-world-readable files in the package, which
I filed as bug 1226553 and fixed in click 0.4.6 (just uploaded, so
probably on images from tomorrow or so); this is definitely unrelated to
the application name.

After fixing that, I was confused for a little while in testing because
only the second one of the duplicate icons in the installed applications
lens actually seems to work.  I don't *think* that's related to the
application name, but at any rate launching from the second icon works,
we already know we need to get rid of the duplicate icon, and launching
from the click scope immediately after installing the package also

I don't see a reason to have any special concerns about upper-case in
application names at this point, and I think we should go ahead and
allow them again in the store and review scripts (which Martin is
already taking care of, I believe), and anywhere else where people might
have picked up the notion that they were forbidden.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson@xxxxxxxxxx]