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Application from Vej for Ubuntu Bug Control membership



My name is Jonas Diekmann better known in the community as Vej. I am part of the German local community and triage bugs for the upstream project of Déjà Dup.
With this mail I would like to apply to Ubuntu Bug Control.

You can find my Launchpad profile here: https://launchpad.net/~vej

Q: Do you promise to be polite to bug reporters even if they are rude to you or Ubuntu?

    Yes. I always do my best to be polite to others in the Ubuntu community.

Q: Have you signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct?

    Yes. Please see my user page in launchpad about this: https://launchpad.net/~vej

Q: Have you read Bugs/Triage, Bugs/Assignment, Bugs/Status and Bugs/Importance? Do you have any questions about that documentation?

    I read all of these documentations and have no open questions left regarding them.

Q: What sensitive data should you look for in a private Apport crash report bug before making it public? See Bugs/Triage for more information.

    Passwords and keys of any form, incriminating file names, bank account numbers, user and server names etc. These could be found in any attached files, especially in core dumps, stack traces and log files.

Q: Is there a particular package or group of packages that you are interested in helping out with?

    I want to help with desktop packages. The focus will be on Déjà Dup, because I already do the upstream triaging for that project (since November 2016).

Q: Please list five or more bug reports which you have triaged and include an explanation of your decisions. Please note that these bugs should be representative of your very best work and they should demonstrate your understanding of the triage process and how to properly handle bugs. For all the bugs in the list, please indicate what importance you would give it and explain the reasoning. Please use urls in your list of bugs.

    Here you are!
    Please note, that I might have triaged the Déjà Dup bugs upstream in the meantime. If so I would have used a different triaging guide and might therefore used another importance upstream.

Failed to execute child process "duplicity" (No such file or directory)
    url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deja-dup/+bug/1663070

    -- Identified possible duplicate and asked reporter to try the workaround of that bug to test, if bugs are the same.
    -- Marked bug as duplicate
    -- If this were not a duplicate I would triage it as "High", because it makes a core application unusable for some users.


apt won't redownload Release.gpg after inconsistent cache updates made while UCA is being updated
    url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1657440

    -- Added more informations to title
    -- Found and linked (fixed) upstream bug
    -- Asked on #ubuntu-bugs to triage this as Medium because it "has a moderate impact on a core application"
    -- After that the fix had been applied to the development branch

deja-dup refers to "Files" instead of "Caja"
    url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/deja-dup/+bug/1657092

    -- This bug already had a patch attached, which should be applied upstream
    -- Sent this to the upstream project
    -- Asked on #ubuntu-bugs to set it to Triaged and recommended the importance "Low", because it affects a "non-essential aspect" of that application.

Doesn't return correct system exit code
    url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gksu/+bug/51633

    -- Did nothing on that bug because of lacking rights to set a Status and the sufficent informations and verifications to start development
    -- Would Triage its Importance as "Low", because it has only moderate impact and affects only a "non-essential aspect" of that application.
    gksu is about running programs with super user rights. Using this in scripts is not the main use case. The return value forwarding is not essential in my eyes.

Backups "Details" window text field is one line tall
    url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deja-dup/+bug/1664015

    -- Marked this as a duplicate of an existing bug using a canned respond which I adjusted a bit to fit better to the current situation.
    -- If this were not a duplicate, I would have asked for the Importance "Medium", because it is a "usability issue that does not limit the functionality of a core application."

Thanks for your efforts while checking this application!

Best Regards


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