ubuntu-bugcontrol team mailing list archive
ubuntu-bugcontrol team
Mailing list archive
Message #04542
Consider adding ~canonical-desktop-team to bug control
Hi there,
This is basically the same position as the kernel and server teams who
are already members of bug control (without expiry). Pretty much all
members of the Canonical desktop team will engage in bug triage from
time to time - but they may not all be Ubuntu developers, especially
when they are first hired.
Here are the requirements:
Requirements for Teams
The team must be a closed or moderated one.
The team must require its members to sign the Ubuntu Code of
✅ (this is a Canonical team and doing so is part of the new hire
In [1]: for person in lp.people['canonical-desktop-team'].members:
...: print ("%s %s signed the CoC" % (person.name, "has" if person.is_ubuntu_coc_signer else "has not"))
marcustomlinson has signed the CoC
laney has signed the CoC
jamesh has signed the CoC
vanvugt has signed the CoC
didrocks has signed the CoC
jibel has signed the CoC
ken-vandine has signed the CoC
osomon has signed the CoC
3v1n0 has signed the CoC
azzar1 has signed the CoC
willcooke has signed the CoC
robert-ancell has signed the CoC
seb128 has signed the CoC
till-kamppeter has signed the CoC
The team must have at least one representative tasked with educating
new members on Ubuntu Bug Control policies.
The representative above must be a current member, directly or
indirectly, of Ubuntu Bug Control.
This will be
*although* often we will assign a specific 'mentor' who may not
necessarily be on the above list, but will be trusted by the rest of the
team to have the right skills to mentor new people, including triaging
bugs appropriately. The people listed above are happy to be ultimately
The team must limit their use of Ubuntu Bug Control permissions to a
specific set of packages. (They should not be setting the importance
of bugs about every package in Ubuntu.)
We concentrate on the desktop, which is roughly equivalent to the
'desktop' and 'desktop-core' packagesets.
Iain Lane [ iain@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ]
Debian Developer [ laney@xxxxxxxxxx ]
Ubuntu Developer [ laney@xxxxxxxxxx ]
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