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Re: Consider adding ~canonical-desktop-team to bug control


On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 2:45 PM Iain Lane <laney@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there,
> This is basically the same position as the kernel and server teams who
> are already members of bug control (without expiry). Pretty much all
> members of the Canonical desktop team will engage in bug triage from
> time to time - but they may not all be Ubuntu developers, especially
> when they are first hired.
> Here are the requirements:
> Requirements for Teams
>     The team must be a closed or moderated one.
> ✅
>     The team must require its members to sign the Ubuntu Code of
>     Conduct.
> ✅ (this is a Canonical team and doing so is part of the new hire
> process)
>   In [1]: for person in lp.people['canonical-desktop-team'].members:
>      ...:     print ("%s %s signed the CoC" % (person.name, "has" if person.is_ubuntu_coc_signer else "has not"))
>      ...:
>   marcustomlinson has signed the CoC
>   laney has signed the CoC
>   jamesh has signed the CoC
>   vanvugt has signed the CoC
>   didrocks has signed the CoC
>   jibel has signed the CoC
>   ken-vandine has signed the CoC
>   osomon has signed the CoC
>   3v1n0 has signed the CoC
>   azzar1 has signed the CoC
>   willcooke has signed the CoC
>   robert-ancell has signed the CoC
>   seb128 has signed the CoC
>   till-kamppeter has signed the CoC
>     The team must have at least one representative tasked with educating
>     new members on Ubuntu Bug Control policies.
>     &
>     The representative above must be a current member, directly or
>     indirectly, of Ubuntu Bug Control.
> This will be
>   https://launchpad.net/~laney
>   https://launchpad.net/~seb128
>   https://launchpad.net/~didrocks
> *although* often we will assign a specific 'mentor' who may not
> necessarily be on the above list, but will be trusted by the rest of the
> team to have the right skills to mentor new people, including triaging
> bugs appropriately. The people listed above are happy to be ultimately
> responsible.
>     The team must limit their use of Ubuntu Bug Control permissions to a
>     specific set of packages. (They should not be setting the importance
>     of bugs about every package in Ubuntu.)
> We concentrate on the desktop, which is roughly equivalent to the
> 'desktop' and 'desktop-core' packagesets.
> Cheers,

Hi Laney,

I have added canonical-desktop-team to the BugControl team. This means an invite
has been sent to the desktop-team administrators. One of them will
have to accept
it for the membership to be effective.

Thank you,

