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Re: Ubuntu branding and Improved navigation (html) with doctemplate 1.9.18


On 03/08/2011 07:28 PM, Kyle Nitzsche wrote:

Now that ubuntu-developer-manual(guide) is set up with a separate 'customization' directory, I can/will easily update it to use this new html style/UI_design without having to modify any chapter(article) branches. (Each chapter is a doctemplate article project and a docbook <article>. C'mon, it's not that bad, talk to me :)


So to generate html with the new branding/nav stuff for the bazaar chapter, for example (after installing doctemplate 1.9.18):

$ mkdir 8mar
$ cd 8mar/
$ bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-developer-manual/ubuntu-developer-manual/bazaar
Branched 11 revision(s).
$ bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-developer-manual/ubuntu-developer-manual/customization
Branched 2 revision(s).
$ cd bazaar/
$ doctemplate_make_html
Creating Localized Images.
    Copying /images to build/xml/en
Localizing xml/docbook in build/xml/en
    File: article/bazaar.xml
article/bazaar.xml is top-level project file. xinclude it and set lang attribute. Generating build/xml/en/bazaar.phase1.xml. article/po/en.po not found. Move build/xml/en/bazaar.phase1.xml to build/xml/en/bazaar.phase2.xml
Doing XML Customizations.
Create localized xml with stylesheet parameters in ../customization/docbook-customization/DOCBOOKPARAMS file With customizations: ../customization/docbook-customization/docbook-customization.xsl:
    --stringparam profile.os "linux"

Creating HTML.
    Copying build/xml/en/images to build/html/en
    Copying /usr/share/doctemplate/lib/html-images/* to build/html/en/images
    Copying html-customization/javascript.xml into place.
    XIncluding on root doc: build/xml/en/bazaar.xml.
    And generating: build/html/en/phase-xinclude.html
    With parameters in ../customization/html-customization/HTMLPARAMS file:
        --stringparam html.stylesheet style.css
    Generating build/html/en/index.html
$ chromium-browser build/html/en/index.html
Created new window in existing browser session.

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