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Ubuntu-Hams BoF at UDS


Doh, lists.ubuntu.com != lists.launchpad.net


I just wanted to say it was great meeting everyone at UDS, and I had an
enjoyable session with the Ubuntu-Hams...

Sorry if I was a bit quiet, bit it was A: My first UDS and I was still
in a bit of overload and B: it was Friday and I was ready to drop at
that point :-)

And Kamal, I had a great time hanging out with you throughout the
week :)

So that's all I had, I'll see about getting the Wiki updated some time
this week after I figure out what I need to do with my regular duties
and get my schedule straightened out.

Cheers and 73,

Jeff, W4KDH
Jeff Lane <jeffrey.lane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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