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[Fwd: Precise language pack post-release schedule]


FYI: Zeitplan für die aktualisierten Precise-Sprachpakete; siehe
WICHTIGE E-Mail im Anhang.



Dennis Baudys

      email: thecondor@xxxxxxxx
 GPG key-ID: E4A9FB08
fingerprint: CB9A 86FF 1C20 0426 3912
             0276 3A78 E23F E4A9 FB08

Prüfer im deutschen Ubuntu-Übersetzer-Team

  launchpad: ~thecondordb
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Hi all,

Just a heads up that I've started preparing the post-release language
pack schedule for Precise. It's currently just a draft, which you can
find here:


The important bit for now is the first language pack. As some of you
might know, the Canonical PES team and the Simplified Chinese community
have been working to deliver a fully translated desktop. The first part,
the UI translations, has been finished, but the second part,
documentation, will be delivered in the first language pack update,
which I've scheduled for the 11th of May.

To translators: you'll see that there is 1 day of testing initially, as
opposed to 1 week, as usual. This is because the 11th of May is a hard
deadline for the Simplified Chinese project. But in any case, I've
created another milestone following that, to have an extra week as usual
and have the language packs uploaded for those who don't have time for
testing in 1 day.

To the docs team: in order to meet the schedule, would you be able to do
an upload of a new version of ubuntu-docs with updated translations on
the 7th of May? The date is critical for releasing the language pack in
time. If you think it's not possible, please let me know as soon as
possible and I'll coordinate with someone from the desktop team to do
the upload.



David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella

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ubuntu-translators mailing list

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