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Bold face/Italics + Small caps leads to no caps at all


Hi guys,

I just noticed a couple problems (unless we want to be "trendy" and use
all lower case?) -- using bold face (or italics) around caps
(\application{\acronym{}}, \emph{\acronym{{}) seems to turn the words
into lowercase, which leads to such things as "cd/dvd Creator" (p. 29,
Using the Applications menu>Accessories), "dhcp" (p. 45, Getting
online>Establishing a wired connection), "dns servers" (pp. 46, 47,
Getting online>Manual configuration with static addresses), "ipv4
Settings" (Ibid.), "ssid" (p. 50, Getting online>Connecting to a hidden
wireless network), and others. I know that LaTeX really doesn't like
combining small caps with anything, and that there are some nasty hacks
to get them working, but it would need someone with good knowledge of
LaTeX to look into it.

Ondřej Vágner <ondrej.vagner@xxxxxxxxx>

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