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Re: Status manual 11.10 oct 27


Ok cool :). You can work on LibreOffice as we haven't translated this
section to tex.

> 1) Create an UbuntuOne account if you haven't one (-if you have a Launchpad
> acc you are ok-)
> 2) Set up UbuntuOne for your machine
> instructions for 1), 2) =>
> https://one.ubuntu.com/help/tutorial/install-and-setup-ubuntu-one/ (the link
> may be for 11.04 but it works for 11.10 too)
> When you have done these let me know your UbuntuOne account (just let me
> know the e-mail of the account). So we can move on the next step.
> 3)Write your name on the spreadsheet of manual contributors [1]
> During the proofread process it's good to provide feedback, you can either
> write in the spreadsheet [1] or send a mail to the list.
> If you have any questions send them to the mailing list so as everyone can
> see them.
> [1] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar0Z6vOO38EydFl2cTJRNzJPZU56WEI3VzdKNzJtR0E&hl=en_US

