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chapters and authors/editors


To preparate for our next meeting, I would like to make an inventory of the chapters and their author(s)/editor(s).
In Oneiric I found the following information:
Chapter   author(s)   editor(s)
Prologue MezPahlan Hannie Dumoleyn
1. Installation Mario Burgos
2. The Ubuntu Desktop John/Hannie Chris Woollard/Rick
3. Working with Ubuntu
* Browsing the web
* Burning cd's Luke Jennings
* getting online
* listening to audio and music Will Kromer Bob Bolin
* Microblogging Luke Jennings/Senthil Bhoopalan
* office applications John
* reading and composing email Che Dean
* Ubuntu One Simon Lewis
* Using Instant messaging Tom Swartz Decaffienated46
* Viewing and editing photos Brian Peredo Mario Burgos
* watching videos and movies Luke Jennings
4. Hardware Sayantan Das
5. Software Management Herat Gandhi
6. Advanced Topics
7. Troubleshooting Karry/Tom Swartz/Ryan/Mario Burgos Kartik Sulakhe
8. Learning More Bryan Behrenshausen Hannie Dumoleyn
This list is far from complete. Please let us know if your name is not on the list. So far, Sayantan Das and Bryan Behrenshausen have informed us that they want to work for the Precise version of the manual. Thank you both. We would be very grateful if authors/editors let us know if they want to work on their chapter (or another) for the Precise version. This will be an LTS version and will be supported for five (!) years. Feedback is also very much appreciated. Thanks to those who have already done so.
Please send your information to this list, or to c7p or me.

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