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Re: Contribution to improve the manual


2012/8/25 Carsten Gerlach <daswaldhorn@xxxxxx>

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> Am 25.08.2012 12:40, schrieb c7p:
> > It seems that U1 deletes the public links after some weeks or so..
> That's not the case, it was the + sign at the end of the link
> http://ubuntuone.com/57dnHmXSpnIBfodqzUe6c4 is working.
> I just did a copy n paste of the link, i'm not sure why that + sign went

> Nevertheless, it's a good instruction. Maybe you can publish it on a
> more dominant place, the wiki or the ubuntu-manual website?
> Some points as suggestion for improvement:
> 1. Do you know the gui for the command line installation? Just type
> ./install-tl -gui perltk

I know about the gui. I just didn't want to mess things up. I wanted to
illustrate our getting involved pages.

> 2. I'm wondering, that you suggest to install tex packages manually
> (page 12). The ./install-pkgs.sh script does check for all
> dependencies and should install them automatically? Or maybe the
> minimum packages (page 5) are not sufficient?
> 3. I made a test installation out of the Quantal backports and
> noticed, that the install-pkgs.sh script doesn't detect that right. So
> I added a check for the backports to that script and pushed it to the
> precise-e2 branch (rev 30). Could you please test it, too?
It's a known issue. Kevin will deal with it when he finds time.
Don't worry though, Kevin named the necessary packages so install them from
synaptic or terminal, or use the command on my guide (these must be

