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Re: Lubuntu version.


On 02/06/13 16:26, Hannie Dumoleyn wrote:
Hello Yorvik,
Although I do not know if Lubuntu differs much from Ubuntu, I think it a
good idea which we can discuss in the coming meeting. I'll put this on
the agenda.
Hope to see you at the meeting,

Op 02-06-13 12:17, Yorvyk schreef:
There is a desire among a few of us to produce a Lubuntu version of
the manual. The initial intention is to produce a 'beta' version for
Saucy and a full version for the next release.
The thing is, how to proceed. It would make sense to me to use the
infrastructure that's already in place. Any thoughts or guidance would
be appreciated.
I will endeavour to attend the meeting on the 8th.

Thanks for that Hannie. As I said I'll try to be there but there's a Raspberry Jam that day that I'll be attending so things could be a bit fraught.


Follow ups
