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the application called "Software"


To all,
Now that I am rewriting the section on Ubuntu Software Center (now gnome-software or Software), I have a few issues I am not sure about. Suggestions are welcome!
1. The name of the application is Software. In the .tex file I use the 
code \application{Software} which results in just Software. In the pdf 
file there is no clear distinction between \application{Software} and 
the word software as such.
Should I leave it this way?

2. In some cases I used this: the \application{Software} application (.tex), resulting in "the Software application" (pdf). Is this word order correct English?
3. In some cases the word Software Center is used, like in the index, 
\index{Software Center}. I only dropped the word Ubuntu from it. 
Although the name of the program is Software, I think it better to add 
the word Center in some cases, like in the index.
Should we use Software Center everywhere, to distinguish it from the 
word software? Any thoughts?

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