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Re: Areas with no internet (Was: Re: Introduction)


on 06/26/2009 06:59 PM Daniel Holbach said the following:
> Morten Kjeldgaard schrieb:
>> One thing I imagine is
>> the creation of an installation CD, that could be shipped to NGO's in
>> disaster areas so they could be up, running & configured in a heartbeat,
>> ready helping out and organizing the relief effort.
> It seems that one area of interest it "preparing Ubuntu and users for
> areas with little or no internet".

Yes, it's major challenge in India.

> I just set up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NGO/NoConnectivity - feel free to
> chip in a few ideas. :-)

Thanks Daniel for putting those in to Wiki. I would also suggest. "How
to make Ubuntu Add-on CD from already downloaded packages"

Hardik Dalwadi

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