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Re: Offline content ideas / brainstorming


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Rory McCann schrieb:
>  * Wikipedia
> One of the most popular websites in the world, this is a free content
> encyclopedia. They provide database dumps so you can create a CD or DVD
> of static HTML pages. People can then distribute this disc and everyone
> can have an encyclopedia on their desktop. Camara ( http://www.camara.ie
> ) has been distributing a skinned wikipedia for a few years and it's
> very succeful and popular.
> You could make a selection of wikipedia, or the whole thing. What would
> be the size of it?

Jonathan has some experience with this.

The way how I'd envision this works would be something like this:
 - we set up a bazaar branch
 - we write a small script where you can specify what you want, ie.
   ./update-wikipedia-copy -l de --all             or
   ./update-wikipedia-copy -l en --no-pictures     or
   ./update-wikipedia-copy -l en --school-edition
   if you see what I mean
 - once we have that working, we could work on another script that burns
   it to a DVD or something
 - at some stage we can add GUI bits

What do you think?

>  * OpenStreetMap
> OpenStreetMap ( http://www.openstreetmap.org/ ) is a wikimap. It's a
> freely edited copyleft map of the world. It's not full finished. However
> it usually has much better coverage of developing cities than the likes
> of Google Maps.
> We could send a static dump of this data, so people can have a map of
> the world on their desktop available anywhere in the world.

Could somebody investigate if there are projects for that already?

>  * Linux Guides
> Linux and Ubuntu is great, there are so many guide and howtos... on the
> web. People need to be able to know how to use and *fix* their computer.
>  We should make a selection of Linux guides and documentation. What
> possible sources could we use? TLDP? A datadump of wiki.ubuntu.com
> (what's the copyright about that?) Datadump of ubuntuformums
> (copyright?), etc?

It's important that we start collecting data on the wiki. As soon as we
have something there, we can start deciding what we'd like to see and
then decide how we want to package it.

What do you think?

Have a great day,
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