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Re: FYI - Ubuntu for NGOs Team


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Tim McNamara wrote:
> I've come across a team of people interested in enhancing Ubuntu for use in
> the humanitarian sector. Their sign-up page is
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ngo, with the About Us page here
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NGO. There are probably lots of Humanitarian FOSS
> people involved in both projects, but I thought I would distribute this
> notice widely regardless.

Thanks a lot Tim for spreading the word!

> At this stage, they're interested in helping package Sahana for Ubuntu
> distribution. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/271260. This will
> come in handy with the 1.0 release coming up. Hopefully the Sahana community
> can make the deadline for the Karmic Koala release.

I don't think we'll make the cut for Feature Freeze.
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule shows that that's going to be
tomorrow already. For every other addition to the archive we'll have to
get a freeze exception.

What I recommend instead is that we do it similarly to the packaging of
CiviCRM: get everything into PPAs (http://help.launchpad.net/PPA).
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NGO/ApplicationPackaging lists the current state
of things with regard to packaging. Andrew and I concentrated on CiviCRM
now and started the unbundling effort. As we try very very hard to avoid
duplicating code in the Ubuntu archive we packaged PHP modules (that are
needed by CiviCRM) first and will make sure we submit them to Debian as
well, so everybody benefits from the effort.

I'll try to make sure we get more people involved in the packaging
effort and it's fantastic to have you guys on the list to ping you if we
have questions! :-)

Have a great day,
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