I followed the instructions below and now I can't create a Qt project
in QtCreator anymore, let alone a QtQuick one.
When I press CTRL+N, I don't get any QML or QtQuick options for new
project and even the "Empty Qt Project" shows no supported platforms
(see attached New_038.png screenshot). Going through the wizard, it
looks like I have no valid kit installed (see the other attached
Is there something missing from the packages below?
Sorry for using the mailing list as a support forum but I think the
answer would benefit other people here.
On 13/02/13 21:06, David Planella wrote:
Hi all,
I've seen this question coming up recently, related to an issue that
affects those who installed the Ubuntu SDK on the day of the Ubuntu for
phones announcement and have wanted to the latest version in the last
week or so. I've created a FAQ-style question and answer on Ask Ubuntu
to provide some guidance:
Here's the Q&A inline as well:
When the [Ubuntu SDK preview][1] was announced on the 2nd of January, it
was based on the Qt 5 Beta release (as Qt 5 had not yet been released
and packaged for Ubuntu). At some point, the Qt 5 release was packaged
on a separate PPA and the Ubuntu SDK migrated to be based on the
contents of that PPA.
New installs work fine as described on the [Ubuntu SDK installation
instructions][1], but I'd like to know how those of us who installed it
on release day on the 2nd can migrate to the latest version of the SDK,
as the change of PPAs requires a manual upgrade.
During the migration from the Qt 5 Beta to the Qt 5 Release, the
packaging changed significantly. This means upgrading the SDK is not a
trivial task such as `sudo apt-get upgrade`, and a few manual steps are
# Migration: from the Qt 5 Beta 1 to Qt 5.0
1. Open the `~/.bashrc` file
`$ gedit ~/.bashrc`
2. Remove the `'export PATH=/opt/qt5/bin:$PATH'` line from the
`~/.bashrc` file
3. Uninstall Qt Creator temporarily
`$ sudo apt-get remove qtcreator qt4-qmlviewer`
4. Purge the Qt 5 Beta 1 PPA
`$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge`
`$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta1`
5. Install the Ubuntu SDK preview
`$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo
add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper && sudo apt-get
update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk notepad-qml`
6. Test that the Component Showcase app can be executed:
`$ qmlscene /usr/lib/qt-components-ubuntu/demos/ComponentShowcase.qml`