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Re: Ubuntu SDK upgrades



I followed the instructions below and now I can't create a Qt project in
QtCreator anymore, let alone a QtQuick one.

When I press CTRL+N, I don't get any QML or QtQuick options for new
project and even the "Empty Qt Project" shows no supported platforms
(see attached New_038.png screenshot). Going through the wizard, it
looks like I have no valid kit installed (see the other attached

Is there something missing from the packages below?

Sorry for using the mailing list as a support forum but I think the
answer would benefit other people here.



On 13/02/13 21:06, David Planella wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've seen this question coming up recently, related to an issue that
> affects those who installed the Ubuntu SDK on the day of the Ubuntu for
> phones announcement and have wanted to the latest version in the last
> week or so. I've created a FAQ-style question and answer on Ask Ubuntu
> to provide some guidance:
>     http://askubuntu.com/q/254800/9781
> Here's the Q&A inline as well:
> When the [Ubuntu SDK preview][1] was announced on the 2nd of January, it
> was based on the Qt 5 Beta release (as Qt 5 had not yet been released
> and packaged for Ubuntu). At some point, the Qt 5 release was packaged
> on a separate PPA and the Ubuntu SDK migrated to be based on the
> contents of that PPA.
> New installs work fine as described on the [Ubuntu SDK installation
> instructions][1], but I'd like to know how those of us who installed it
> on release day on the 2nd can migrate to the latest version of the SDK,
> as the change of PPAs requires a manual upgrade.
> During the migration from the Qt 5 Beta to the Qt 5 Release, the
> packaging changed significantly. This means upgrading the SDK is not a
> trivial task such as `sudo apt-get upgrade`, and a few manual steps are
> necessary.
> # Migration: from the Qt 5 Beta 1 to Qt 5.0
> 1. Open the `~/.bashrc` file
>     `$ gedit ~/.bashrc`
> 2. Remove the `'export PATH=/opt/qt5/bin:$PATH'` line from the
> `~/.bashrc` file
> 3. Uninstall Qt Creator temporarily
>      `$ sudo apt-get remove qtcreator qt4-qmlviewer`
> 4. Purge the Qt 5 Beta 1 PPA
>      `$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge`
>      `$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta1`
> 5. Install the Ubuntu SDK preview
>      `$ sudo add-apt-repository  ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo
> add-apt-repository  ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper && sudo apt-get
> update  && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk notepad-qml`
> 6. Test that the Component Showcase app can be executed:
>      `$ qmlscene /usr/lib/qt-components-ubuntu/demos/ComponentShowcase.qml`
>   [1]: http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/

Attachment: Empty Qt Project_039.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: New_038.png
Description: PNG image

Follow ups
