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Re: automate test deployment of qml apps: small fonts


On 03/05/2013 10:08 AM, Michał Sawicz wrote:
> W dniu 05.03.2013 05:12, Ricardo Salveti de Araujo pisze:
>> IIRC there was an issue about the command not getting all the exported env vars, which would cause this behavior (GRID_UNIT_PX specifically).
> Indeed, you need a `bash -i` in that ssh call so that it reads ~/.bashrc.
> Cheers,

Thank you both, I was just missing the GRID_UNIT_PX. Works now like a charm.

In case some cares:

rsync -aHv ./ phablet@nexus:/tmp/Calendar/
ssh -t phablet@nexus 'cd /tmp/Calendar && GRID_UNIT_PX=18 qmlscene --desktop_file_hint=$PWD/Calendar.desktop $PWD/calendar.qml'

