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Re: Alarm


Hi Tony,

On 22/03/13 12:10, Tony wrote:
Guys I would like to extend Ubuntu clock with alarm capabilities. Someone
in the IRC channel told new that it's not possible at the moment and that
some drivers are missing. Or it's just bogus information? I'd like to
participate anyway. And if it requires porting of drivers it shouldn't be a
problem since i did some kernel development in the past.

What we're currently missing is a scheduler (amongst other things). We don't have a central service or API which can be used to wake up applications at pre-determined times/dates. This clearly means the alarm features of the Clock app will be non-functional at the moment.

We have a team already creating the clock core app, and we'd welcome additional contributions to that and the other core apps:-


As you may have seen the design team have posted a blog detailing the Clock app patterns.


Core apps discussion happens over on a separate mailing list you'll find here:-


Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
