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Re: [Ports] New method to handle the device specific pixel ratio


Thanks, so much easier now! :)

Config for Asus Transformer Pad TF300T:

Filename: tf300t.conf

On 03/22/2013 02:27 AM, Ricardo Salveti de Araujo wrote:

We just landed a merge request [1] created by Oliver (ogra) that improves the way we're currently handling the device specific pixel ratio values.

The main idea is to move the device specific configuration from /usr/bin/ubuntu-session to a proper config file, in a way it won't be needed to change the original sources anymore.

As described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Screen_Pixel_Ratio, here's how you can create your device specific configuration file from tomorrow's image on:

First identify the ro.product.device android property used by your device (check the /system/build.prop file from your port or from the original Android image). Then with the desired DPR, create a file at /etc/ubuntu-session.d, adding your custom GRID_UNIT_PX and QTWEBKIT_DPR variables, also specifying the default form factor you want, such as:
$ cat /etc/ubuntu-session.d/manta.conf

Another good side effect is that people will be able to safely update the ubuntu-session package without breaking the previous device specific setup. Also, it make way easier to accept new contributions as all we need now is to add a config file to the session-manager package.

Also, please don't forget to send us the config file after you created it for your port, so we can include them in ubuntu-session by default.


[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/session-manager/posix-rewrite/+merge/153542

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