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Compiling armhf binaries for a phone target - toolchain from where?



I have some C/C++ code that (eventually) I want to run on an Ubuntu Touch phone or tablet.

This may be some sort of interim step before achieving Qt/QML nirvana, or this may be a subsystem a Qt app will depend on (I'm doing some early experimentation, and may yet be chasing the wrong ideas).

I'm not (for the sake of this question) planning to build the Android underpinnings, so one of my start points has been not to assume I have that source tree available (I understand it may have some toolchains in it). Is that wise?

I believe I need a toolchain to compile this code, and I have (at least) three options presented in chats/wikis/docs I've googled/assumed might work:

 (1) Compile on the device itself
 (2) Install the Ubuntu SDK
 (3) Install a cross-compilation toolchain on my (amd64) Ubuntu dev machine

I can succeed at (1), by installing whatever defaults build-essential requires.

I'm not sure if (2) should succeed - it's not clear to me if the Ubuntu SDK does or will recommend/install a c/c++ toolchain. The one I installed today doesn't appear to. Will it at some point? Did I just not see the one it did install?

for (3), if I try:

# apt-get install crossbuild-essential-armhf

I get:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies.
crossbuild-essential-armhf : Depends: libc6-dev:armhf but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

My initial troubleshooting (I'm definitely inexperienced in Ubuntu package matters) hasn't turned up a way to proceed past that error yet.

So, which is the most pragmatic way to proceed? I'm keen to get a cross compilation toolchain working. Should I be?

In the future, what will the options be to compile C/C++ for touch devices?



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