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Re: Whither the Content Hub?


On 12.10.2013 22:30, Robert Schroll wrote:
Beru, my epub reader app, is currently hamstrung by apparmor
restrictions.  Instead of being allowed to read any books the user puts
in her home directory, it can only read epub files if they're stored in
~/.local/share/com.ubuntu.developer.rschroll.beru/.  I was told that the
Content Hub would provide a way around this silliness, but I haven't
heard any updates on it.  So, is the Content Hub a thing?  Is it in
13.10?  Is it backported to previous releases?  Is it turned on by
default?  How do I use it?  The only documentation I've found on it is
the source, where there's a short description that's more polemic than
tutorial and several brief, uncommented examples.

Could you please not call it names when you don't understand the reasons or design behind it?


Corresponding spec:

Michał (Saviq) Sawicz <michal.sawicz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Canonical Services Ltd.
