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[Development] Port for jfltexx (Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE Intl.)



I'm currently working on a port for the jfltexx device (Samsung Galaxy S4
LTE), and I currently have a semi-working-ish setup.

* how/where can I find rules/tools/... on which I can validate the things I
changed so it won't break stuff
* where can I put my results? Hosting files on my own server will likely
cringe my hosting providers' network

* I have a full time job. I can't provide support on it, it will be on a
best-effort base. At the moment I cannot even guarantee a semi or fully
working build
* If I am able to produce something working-ish-ly, is someone willing to
take over the port?

I started this port as a learning experience to see how everything works,
and this was basically the only decent device I had available.



|_|0|_|   Yvan Janssens|_|_|0|   |0|0|0|

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