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On Mon, 2013-10-21 at 15:53 -0500, Israel wrote:

> I'm wondering if there has been any discussion of a TTS (text to speech) 
> being implemented on Ubuntu Touch, and if so, where could I find any 
> information.  If not, what would be the best place to open an issue for 
> discussion, or who could/should I contact for more info, or to suggest 
> this idea?

For HUD we're using Sphinx:


Which is part of the overall problem of TTS.  It won't do things like
full dictation by itself, there is quite a few other things needed (but
it works for the dataset in HUD well).  There is some work on building
something more general purpose with Simon.


It's a big project, if you want to help, I'm sure they'd love people to!


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