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Re: Policy: filing bugs against Ubuntu packages instead of upstream projects


On 26.11.2013 02:44, Ursula Junque wrote:
If upstreams don't oppose to that, bugs should only be filed against
Ubuntu packages, discouraging the direct upstream reporting. Once we
have an agreement, we need to document this to prevent all the confusion
to happen again, and then discuss what to do with the previously
reported bugs. Oliver (ogra) said there was an email some time ago to
direct people to file bugs only against Ubuntu packages but no one seems
to find it, feel free to point that out if you think that's relevant.

I just tried to file a bug against Ubuntu (unity8)¹, unfortunately I can't set the status to 'Triaged', or decide the importance. So, well... I can't triage Ubuntu (unity8) bugs.

AFAICT, we also don't get notified about new Ubuntu (unity8) bugs, even though I added a subscription for my team².

Not exactly sure why that is, but the project has Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers³, which actually doesn't exist...⁴

All in all, if all of us need to get added to some global Ubuntu team to be able to triage Ubuntu (*) bugs for their projects, that's not ideal... Current state doesn't work for us either...

¹ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1255452
² https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+subscriptions
³ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-devel-discuss-lists
Michał (Saviq) Sawicz <michal.sawicz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Canonical Services Ltd.

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