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Managing Test Plans and Merge policies



As folks are surely aware we're having to create a bunch of acceptance
test plans and merge policies to be used as part of the "CI Train"
process.  For my part of that I went ahead and put them into the project
repositories so that new tests can easily be added as the features land¹
instead of out-of-sync with them.  As we discussed on this list, this is
the preferred way to go, but for today they still need to end up in the
Wiki.  So I created a few little scripts to help out in getting them to
the Wiki.  I thought I'd share those so that others can use them, or
update projects that already have the tests in them.

To use the scripts you'll need to throw them in your PATH somewhere and
do something like this:

        $ testplan-update upstart-app-launch
        $ mergereview-update upstart-app-launch

That will take the latest versions of the files from trunk and put them
into the Wiki like such:


If you don't already have editmoin setup to work with the Ubuntu wiki,
make sure to do that first.  Also they do use an editmoin alias
"ubuntu" (which I imagine most people have).

Happy hacking,

¹ You can see this with the untrusted helper branch which adds
additional acceptance tests when the feature lands:

Attachment: mergereview-to-wiki
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: mergereview-update
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: testplan-to-wiki
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: testplan-update
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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