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Re: Nexus 4 and 7 stuck on r194


On 03/10/2014 01:09 AM, Kurt Hodgin wrote:
Both seem to only update to r194 with ota and flash from Ubuntu 13.10 using the phablet flash as normal with the -- trusty channel instead of stable (when will this be merged) I see post of up to 226 now. I know proposed will show higher numbers but it seems longer than normal.
The good news is that it's not stuck.  R194 is the current promoted 
image.  That should change today but you'll have to wait for the 
promotion team to at least get their coffee first.
Is their a place that shows current versions? Of each channel?
Yes, because MultiROM Manager does this, but I don't know where.  Still, 
your phone will show the update in System Settings once it's available.

Nathan Haines
Ubuntu - http://www.ubuntu.com/

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