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Re: CI Train improvements


Le 12/03/2014 17:57, David Barth a écrit :
Le 12/03/2014 16:42, Didier Roche a écrit :
* Ability to reconfigure yourself your silos if you don't add new components -> Adding commits just need a rebuild. However, if you add/drop MPs, you had to ask for a "silo reconfiguration" from the landing team. This is going to be available to the lander now. If you just add/remove MPS and don't add new components that were not part of the initial set (as we still need to keep ordering and avoid conflicts), you will be able, on the silo tab, to just click "reconfigure" and paste there the MPs list as well as source packages list. The landing team will be there to help you for your first reconfiguration ;)
I assume those are still MPs against trunk, right? So if we have stacked branches, we should flatten them all in a master MP, and then add it to the MP list.
Anyway, being able to reconfigure a silo is a great feature. I hope 
that will relieve you guys from much of the pings on #ubuntu-ci-eng ;)
Indeed, and yes, you will not depend on us being around. :)

