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Re: BUG: Ran out of space while installing ubuntu-sdk/go-qml directly on Nexus 4


On 03/16/2014 08:09 AM, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi, Am Sonntag, den 16.03.2014, 07:58 -0400 schrieb David Marceau:
>> This weekend I tried to install ubuntu-sdk directly on my Nexus 4
>> in order to directly build go-qml apps.  I ran out of space on
>> the device.
> this is by design ... we offer 500MB for installing additional
> packages currently for people needing to work on the system
> plumbing itself. Resizing the loop device would be really complex
> (not to mention that using apt isn't really encouraged and that
> things like dist-upgrade are not supported at all which means you
> would have to re-flash and re-install all the time when wanting to
> upgrade anything)
> I was wondering if it would make sense to offer a tool to resize
> the loop image for developers (and cover the complexity for them),
> but that won't change a thing regarding the fact that dpkg will
> break on apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade since it wont be able to use
> the hard links it requires across partition boundaries.
> If you want to build apps for the target arch, setting up a cross
> build environment is the way to go here ...

Why should I cross build when I can build directly on the target?
I installed everything and actually built on the target.
I was just missing a bit more space.

I am of the opinion it is best to build and debug on the platform
rather than cross-compile especially when this platform is fast enough
to handle it and has the adequate resources.  It's just that the
resources are not currently distributed with hosted development in mind.

I would prefer to have a tool to resize the loop image within the
phablet flash switches  --loop-size=4GB, but defaults to 2GB for
For example:
ubuntu-device-flash --revision=237 --channel=devel-proposed
--bootstrap --loop-size=4GB
Would that be possible?

> ciao oli

Follow ups
