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Re: Landing team 20.03.14


On 03/20/2014 06:34 PM, Didier Roche wrote:
> * Alarms not going off reliably on recent touch images (Thomas S.)
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1295122
> -> it was first thought to be due to deep sleep mode (which wasn't a
> regression). However, more testing with preventing that modda    e
> showed that the alarm doesn't trigger either reliably even when screen
> isn't blanked or with a wakelock. Investigation with a better reproducer
> (but multiple people reproduced the failing case without clear path
> leading to that).
> * Alarm ringing not going off when clicking dismissed and you have to
> reboot the phone to stop it. (Thomas S.)
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1295237
> -> Under investigation.

Both items are related. Problem is that notifications stop working
because of the Qt event loop problems that also cause the music app
issues. Applying the music app patch seems to resolve both.

