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Landing team 02.04.13



2 images again today, with new features like oxide-based webapps, right edge new flipping support and more! Still some blockers for promotion on the list though.
* New oxide-based webapps are available. Meaning that webapps targeting the 14.04 sdk will use the oxide containers. Other will use the previous qtwebkit container.
Webapps supporting oxide as of now are:
amazon, ebay, facebook, gmail, twitter. I heard that g+ is coming back to the store! * new version of ubuntu ui toolkit with state saver fixes, tab selection timing and some performance tweaking
* new sudoku and weather applications
* URL dispatcher supports dynamic URL registration
* some bug fixes in the scopes scope.
* new platform changes like dbus, lttng, glib, packagekit…

-> test results, apart from one flaky test in a click application, the rest (and number of crashers) seems on par with previous results.
* Right-edge support in unity8 has landed. As well, this mean the end of the surfaceflinger support.
* Carousel startup time is faster
* Some crash fixes when browsing the scopes
* transitioning to new thumbnailer service
* less looping and some qml test failure fixes.
* Fix Flickr account authentication with Online Accounts

-> tests are still running. However, some infrastructure issues will delay getting full test results. Current dogfooding (not yet fully done) didn't report any new issue on existing features. We will cross fingers to have fewer crashers as well!

On the blocker list:
** Music/Calendar bug (Qt event look stopping when the device is suspend) (Saviq) Discussion is happening and work is ongoing while discussing with upstream. Was set as a blocker while whitelisted on the previous promotion blocker.
** Multiple crashes on images since the scope transition (Saviq/Thomas)
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1297240 (Saviq)
-> this one is Fixed
It seems as well that any application crashing can make Unity8 and other services crashing. For this chain of issues, Dave opened: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediascanner2/+bug/1298931 (Thomas) -> has been set incomplete https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediascanner/+bug/1298950 (Thomas) One of them is known (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1256360) and is under work.
** Click Scope is showing "?" instead of characters (Thomas)
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1300236 which was a dup for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1298327
-> regression from click scope itself. In progress.

* Issues not impacting on the user experience or whitelisted by QA as not a promotion blocker: ** qtubuntu crash causing the dialer app to crash (only during tests) (Kevin)
-> seems to only impact on tests, when the application isn't started by upstart.


Follow ups