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Re: Internationalizing scopes


David Planella [2014-04-15 17:20 +0200]:
> - Create a cmake rule to generate the .pot file, based on [3] and add
> another rule that calls intltool-merge to put the translations into the
> final .ini file at build time

For scopes in click apps this seems fine to me, as they should be
self-contained, are created by third parties, and aren't covered by
language packs.

For scopes in the Ubuntu archive I think it would be better to just
reference the translation domain in the .ini file, similar to our
.desktop files. Then they can be covered by langpacks and we wouldn't
need to update all click apps for new translations.

Same story as for Ubuntu classic really :-)

> We think using this option (inline translations in the ini files vs reading
> the translations from .mo files) is the best solution in terms of
> performance when reading the list of scopes, but we'd like to hear other
> comments/views too.

I think the performance question is largely irrelevant. You are going
to open both files at runtime anyway, you most likely have other parts
of your click package than the ini file which have translatable
strings). Also, the disk space for inline vs. .mo translations for a
few strings isn't going to reach a significant size.

So I think which approach to use should be decided based on how we
want the translation lifecycle/rollout to look like only.


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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