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Landing team 28.04.14


Hello everyone,

First of all, as most of you probably already know from the announcement
on the mailing list, we have successfully built our first utopic image!
The image doesn't have anything specific, but it was a good way of
testing if everything works. And, this way, we can also get our first
utopic image smoketesting test results!
If you want to test the new image on your device, there is one more
change that needs to be taken into account. When selecting the channel
(for instance when using ubuntu-device-flash) the channel name needs to
be prefixed by ubuntu-touch/, i.e. ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed for the
proposed channel.

>From the landing side of things: since utopic is 'open', today we
practically moved all non-SRU silos to the utopic target. Some SRUs were
published today, but with utopic landings we are still waiting for the
smoketesting results of the image #1 as reference. Not a big blocker as
for this writing, there are no landings pending ready for release.

Today we also tried releasing a new Qt landing primarily following up on
Debian's QML module package renaming. This is required to unblock some
Qt packages that got synced and blocked in -proposed due to this change.
We will try building an image once this gets released exclusively to get
a good overview of the situation. The landing has been prepared and
tested throughly by Timo, but better being safe than sorry.

As for the nearest days, we plan landing a new Mir version with the fix
for the Qt event loop issue. Another big landing is the media-hub which
soon should be ready for release as well. Stay tuned!

As for blockers and regressions - the old issues still remain, no
changes here.

** Music/Calendar bug (Qt event loop stopping when the device is
suspend) (Kevin)
(landing ready for release soon!)

** New scopes performance needs to be improved (Kevin for unity8 and
Thomas for unity-scopes-shell)

As for other issues, we will continue tracking those after results for
the new image are in. So far mako looks really green o/

Thanks and see you tomorrow!

Best regards,

Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak

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