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I'm trying to create a ListModel in Python and expose it to QML, it
looks very similar to C++, so I was wondering if anybody might know how
to get this to work.

If I create a class sub-classed from QAbstractListModel, and then try
and use an instance of it as the model in QML, the program segfaults
with no errors.

From what I can tell, this should be the minimum requirement for a
working list model:

class Addressbook(QAbstractListModel):
        def __init__(self, parent=None):
                self._addresses = ["foo", "bar", "apple"]

        def rowCount(self, parent):
                return len(self._addresses)

        def data(self, index, role):
                return self._addresses[index.row()]

The two methods don't run, but I can confirm it is instantiated by the
QML before it segfaults.

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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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