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Re: Persisting cookies in Oxide


On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 8:26 PM, Alexandre Abreu <alexandre.abreu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There might be a few reasons for that. Are you directly using the Oxide.WebView or do you use it through the Ubuntu.Web.UbuntuWebView component?

I'm using the Oxide.WebView directly, since I need to set some custom user scripts.

If you are directly using the Oxide.WebView you might not have set the dataPath for the WebContext of the Oxide WebView. Unless things have changed, an empty dataPath means that the cookies/data resources are not persisted,

That seems to have done it. I already have a C++ module that returns QStandardPaths::DataLocation (amongst other things), so I could replicate the behavior of the UbuntuWebView easily enough.

Do you know if it's possible to make Oxide read the cookies stored by QtWebKit? If so, does anyone know where QtWebKit stored its cookies?

Also although less likely since the above might put your in the right direction, you might want to play with the sessionCookieMode of the WebContext associated with your Oxide webview and set it to WebContext.SessionCookieModePersistent.

It seems to work, even though sessionCookieMode is set to SessionCookieModeEphemeral. Is this expected? Should I change it to Persistent to be safe in the future?

I don't know if this is relevant to my issue, but I get these messages on the console, regardless of whether I'm setting the WebContext properties:
Cannot set WebContext.sessionCookieMode once the context is in use
Cannot set WebContext.dataPath once the context is in use
I have no idea what code is causing this, but I'm pretty sure it's not anything I'm doing.


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