On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 4:55 AM, Mitchell Reese
<projects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Couple questions re webapp development:
1. Is there any way currently for webapps to be fullscreen when in
landscape mode? I'm talking about the notification bar disappearing
when rotating the device on it's side. There are already a couple
apps that do this (gallery, etc.) and it would be great to have this
functionality for webapps. Working on a couple games, and something
just doesn't look right with the notification bar wrong way up on
the left hand side of the device. It would be great if apps being
used in landscape mode had this functionality. Is anything like this
currently possible, or planned?
Webapps (and web pages) that request fullscreen should hide the
notifications bar. This was not enabled until now because of bug
#1328839, but the bug has been fixed, and I submitted a change to
reflect that in the browser and the webapps container
Expect this to land soon.
2. Is there anyway to lock a webapp to a particular orientation? Again,
some games need to be landscape, and other apps work better in
portrait mode. Is there a way to predefine this within a webapp, or
is this functionality later planned?
Not currently, but it’s already been requested, and there is a bug
report to track it:
Note that there is a global orientation lock, which can be used as a
fallback solution.
3. Is there an easy way to allow webapps to download ANY file, even one
that doesn't have a so-called program that can open it? I.e.,
perhaps I'm downloading a script, or another file without an easy
Not currently. The way it works, for a webapp to be allowed to
download a given file, there needs to be an application installed that
declares itself as a handler for this type of file.
I’m not sure whether an application could declare itself as able to
handle any kind of file (and whether or not that would be desirable at
all). I’ll let the content-hub team comment.
4. When developing apps with the sdk (latest version on 14.10), is
there any easy way to restart the unity8-dash after installing apps
on the device? Currently the apps install, but I have to manually
kill the unity8-dash service in order for the dash to be refreshed.
( i.e., $top then $kill process# ) When installing/uninstalling from
the software centre, this happens automatically. Is there an easier
way to refresh the dash after installing apps from the sdk?
I would think that when the SDK installs an app, it should
automatically appear in the dash without having to restart unity8. If
it doesn’t, then surely that’s a bug, and a bug report will be welcome
(not sure where the bug belongs, you can mark it as affecting both
qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu and unity8).