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Re: Dekko Email Client call for testing


The app is really looking great and working well, so nice job to you guys!!
I created a doc with my specific feedback (everyone should have
view/comment access):

Thanks again for the excellent work on this,

Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback, it's really great!!

I agree with all your points, and I see the majority of the issues lie around composition/sending. Which so far has a been a tricky one to get right, it's quite a small window on the phone to keep the right area in focus, so I think we may need to go back to the drawing board for parts of that one.
The accessing contacts is a tricky one though, as the address-book-app 
last time I checked only exported contacts phone numbers. Is that still 
the case?? I'll take a look though and see if it will be fairly trivial 
to submit a patch to export email adresses as well.
But really there is some great feedback here to go back to the team with 
at our next catch-up on thursday.
Thanks again.

Dan Chapman

Follow ups
